Katie's her name. Katie Umbaugh. Anna, her sister, was one of Leslie's dearest friends on earth, going back to when we lived in Indy. I've shared a bit in the past, on this blog, about this mysterious connection we've had with the Umbaugh family over the years. Another of the Umbaugh sisters, Sarah, went to Heaven a couple years ahead of Leslie, as a result of her own battle with cancer. So Leslie-- having "walked that road" with Anna at the time-- always had a special place in their family's collective heart, even before she herself was first diagnosed with cancer. And the Umbaugh family has always had a special place in our hearts, as well. Anna and her husband, Rob, have been great friends to us, and were wonderful hosts whenever Leslie and I would visit Indy to see family and friends. As Anna anticipated and experienced her first pregnancy, Leslie was experiencing young-motherhood. The two would talk about the future-- getting together on weekends and having the kids play. They were even starting to plant the seeds of an intricate scheme to get Rob and I to buy land together someday, so they could together enjoy having horses with their kids. (A love for horses was a common bond between Anna and Leslie) Those, obviously, were plans and dreams that were not a part of God's plan-- at least, not on this side of Heaven. Anna was giving birth to her first-born at almost exactly the same time Leslie was being wheeled into her first surgery, late in the summer of 2007. Leslie would never so much as get to see TJ and Will (Anna's son) play together.
As much as I'd come to know Anna over the years, I'd had very little opportunity to get to know her sisters. I knew there was a sister named Katie and another named Laura (although, to be completely honest, until last year, I didn't know which was which, names-and-faces), and there was Lydia, their adopted sister. And of course I remembered Sarah (we had her "anniversary" marked on our calendar in the kitchen, to remind Leslie to send Anna a note or give her a call... not that she would have needed reminding). But all I really knew about them was that they were Anna's sisters... I'd hear a story of Lydia getting married... Katie going to Africa... Laura getting married... But they were all just names and stories.
...Until the events of the past few months...
I have remained in close contact with Anna since about the time Leslie got sick enough that she was unable to talk on the phone due to the cancer which had spread to her lungs. Anna was always a wonderful friend and confidant to Leslie, and continued to be so, of course, as her battle took turn after turn for the worse. And Anna has become a wonderful friend and confidant to me, in Leslie's absence. I like to think we've been an encouragement to one another, as we have grown into life without Leslie, in our own ways. Anyway, through the course of our regular conversations, I remember Katie coming up in passing-- Anna would draw comparisons between how Katie and I would express certain thoughts... our hearts for God, and worship of Him, and so-on... But I never thought twice about it. Why would I?
After a couple of very hard months of heavy, paralyzing, depression-laced sorrow and grief, immediately following Leslie's death (see the posts on this blog from August and early September of last year)-- not to mention the months leading up to her death, as that is when the grieving process actually started, in my case-- God began doing an extraordinary work of healing in my life... Picking me up, dusting me off... starting the process of piecing my broken heart-- and life-- back together, according to His divine craftsmanship. (To avoid being redundant, I'll spare the details, here. You can read of this specific page of this "new chapter" in my life, as I recount it in a letter to my mom-in-law, in December's post, "Grieving With Gram".) Anyway... one day, sometime after God's beginning to work this miraculous healing in my heart, I was tinkering with the "analytics" application of this blog. (For those not-so-tech-savvy in the audience... there is a tracking mechanism on most websites that keeps record of general and non-personal data of the users of a website. I can tell how many people, for instance, have read the blog this week; what state they're logging in from; how long they spend on the site, on average; what search engine they found my site through; etc...) Anyway, the analytics were showing some traffic being generated from another blog with which I was unfamiliar-- people were linking over to my site from a blog that I didn't recognize. I entered the URL, and up popped Katie's blog. "AHA!" I thought to myself... "It's Anna's sister!" I read her very touching entry, there, about Leslie's memorial service... and Kate's then-terminally ill grandpa, from where people were linking to my "story"/blog. Deeply moved by what Katie wrote there, I continued reading the following posts... then some subsequent posts...
I eventually just went back to the beginning, started reading... And didn't stop. As it turns out, Katie began blogging a couple years ago, when, following God's calling, she up and moved to Kenya for a 5-month stint with a Christian ministry there called Tanari. My heart was just moved by how this woman cried out to God. How she reflected on losing Sarah, on the topic of worship, on seeking God's will and desiring to know His plan for her life, and so-on. Not to mention, I was just entertained by some of her stories of African adventures. When she returned to the States following her stint, she just continued blogging about what God was doing in her life. Funny how much you can get to know about a person, anonymously, through their blog, eh? :)
Upon my completion of the blog-version of the story of the last two years of this woman's life-- since she WAS, after all, my dear friend's sister-- I thought it appropriate to drop her a quick email and thank her for the encouragement, and to offer her some thoughts that were lingering in my mind and some truth that was on my heart, in response to her recent entries, in hopes she might be encouraged, as well. I honestly expected nothing more, in return, than a polite "thank you"... maybe, "I'm still praying for you and TJ..." or whatever...
Well... Katie was so moved by my words to her, that she wrote back, (but not without first going to sister Anna for "permission"), speaking directly into my own life... which then caused ME to respond... and so it began. We started emailing almost daily... then several times a day. Then, we began talking on the phone. (Our first phone call was the night her beloved grandpa died... She called me to tell me the news. We just prayed and cried together for about an hour. It was a beautifully bittersweet night.) We were just enjoying a new friendship. Enjoying God's blessing of encouragement we were receiving through each other. I was certainly not thinking "relationship". You long-time/ regular readers may (but probably don't) remember my "manna" references from that particular season of this "process"... "Manna" was my metaphor of how God was meeting my daily needs, in Leslie's absence. A call from a college buddy... A blog comment... a random hug from Dana or Mom... Or maybe just a miraculous sating of one desire or another, or a supernatural settling of "peace" on my soul... God was just showing up DAILY in my life to fill the void that Leslie had left, you know. Meanwhile, He was just capitalizing on my dependence on Him, just using me and teaching me so much every day. (And He has continued with this "symbiosis"-like dynamic in my life to this day.) Anyway, into October and November of last year, God began using Katie in some pretty cool ways... as "manna"... in my life. The really crazy thing was... God was using ME as manna in HER life, as well.
Conversation flowed with little or no effort between Katie and me. It's like we "spoke each other's language". We worshiped with the same song, metaphorically speaking. Much like how her sister and Leslie used to get along. At one point, I was explaining this phenomenon to Anna, "confessing" to her how much I was enjoying getting to know her sister. Anna's response was priceless-- "FINALLY! Somebody GETS Katie!" Katie and I began sharing our prayers with each other... our daily studies in scripture... we began challenging and encouraging one another. Yes, as she pointed out early on in our friendship, some of what drew us together was the "male-female" dynamic. But due to the fact that there was no direct physical/ "in-person" interaction between us, (and due to the fact that I was just so obviously "not ready" for a relationship, due to the newness of my "widowerhood"--yes I think I just made up a word), there wasn't the haze of romance or "sexual tension" clouding our minds, or our blocking the view of what God was doing in our lives. Bottom line-- our friendship was God-breathed, and Christ-centered, from the get-go.
As our phone- and email-based relationship began to grow in October and November, and into December, the idea of "what if..." started to form in both of our minds (and of course, due to our transparent honesty with each other, it found its way into our conversations). "What if, sometime down the road, you're still single, and I'm ready to consider 'dating' again...?" God began to reveal a lot through those conversations. We began to get into conversations that were prefaced by a silly little catch phrase... "I'm not sayin'... I'm just sayin'..." Basically... we weren't suggesting that indeed we WOULD find ourselves in a "commited romantic" relationship with each other some day, but, if by chance we DID find ourselves in that situation... You get the idea. We'd talk about what "moving on" looked like to me. We talked about what it would look like to her to be with a "single dad". We talked about TJ a ton. We talked about Leslie. My house. Her job. My in-laws. And so-on. They were difficult conversations, sometimes, but conversations that nonetheless needed to be had, by me, at least, as I considered the prospect of "dating" and eventually "remarrying" someday. And Katie was a "safe place" to begin to consider these things, because of the open-handed nature with which we were approaching (or accepting) the relationship. And at the end of each of these conversations, we'd end with the obligatory, "...but don't wait for me, Kate." "I won't, Ty." But secretly-- though not-so-discretely-- we both hoped... And we both took those hopes to The Throne every night in prayer, individually.
In December, as had been planned for some time, I spent the weekend in Indy, with some old friends there. Due to the fact that I was staying at Rob and Anna's house from Thursday through Sunday (I also had work to do in Indy that week), and the fact that Katie and her sisters had standing plans on Thursday nights at Anna's house, it so happened that Katie's and my paths were going to cross. We decided to take advantage of fate's opportunity (or Providence, perhaps), and made a coffee-date for Friday afternoon... which happened to morph into a full-out dinner date, mid-stream. From the moment I first saw her that weekend, I knew that God had something greater in store for Katie and me. Something came alive in me. A veil was lifted. There were "fireworks"... or whatever. And I watched in amazement, as TJ (who had joined me on the trip to see Anna and Robbie and "Baby Will") and she interacted-- TJ just latched onto her... and hasn't stopped talking about her since, to this day (not something I've provoked, in case you were wondering...). In those moments during my visit that weekend, with her, in the flesh, in the same room as me, I was becoming aware-- as unlikely and shocking as it is to admit, given things such as "timing" and "history" and etc...-- I had in fact begun falling in love with this woman, through the course of all the email reflections, phone prayers together, and "I'm not saying, I'm just saying..." conversations. And here she was, right in front of me.
Brings new meaning to the term, "love at first sight", doesn't it?
I was so surprised by all of this. "God... it's too soon...!" I'd pray. "I mean... really...???" But as I would pray, continually asking Him to "take her away", if it was His will-- to take these feelings away, or even put somebody or something else in her life that distracted her from me, unless this was truly of Him-- I began to realize that it was actually my flesh that was causing me to doubt what He was giving us. "What will people think?" That thought haunted me. And Katie certainly had her apprehensions and fears. This certainly couldn't be the relationship that God had desired for her, on which she was called to "wait"...?! Leslie's HUSBAND!? "What will people think?" She'd ask herself as well. But meanwhile, the more we prayed about it, giving each other up, the more sure we became, in the Spirit, that this was indeed "good".
Over the holidays, we started sharing the idea of this new "secret" relationship with our families, close friends, etc... little by little, as the opportunity would arise. (We had previously opened up to a couple of people in the name of "accountability" and prayer support-- a couple guys for me, some women for her, but were up to then reluctant to disclose the situation fully to family, etc...) And the more we shared our thoughts, fears, and feelings, and the more we told the story-- the more we asked friends for prayer and accountability-- the more confidence God gave us... that it was "okay"-- even more than that... that it was indeed "right" for us to pursue this thing. As I alluded in my prior post, Katie spent the time leading up to the New Year with TJ and me. It was a crazy couple of days-- the flooded house, TJ and her interacting more and just hitting it off and loving on each other, she and I spending New Year's Eve together-- truly an unplanned event until the moment was upon us. But as she drove back home to Indy on January 1, 2009, we were both at peace and in full acceptance of what we now had... we had each other. And it was good.
So, yes... it's "too soon". (but by whose standards?) Yes, we need to be careful not to "rush God's will". (but who am I to drag my feet?) Yes, it's complicated. But it is SO good. I'm learning so much. I'm so happy.
The crazy thing is... it's like I've never been here before. Not a moment goes by when I am not fully aware of the fact that I've "lost" Leslie. But it's not like I thought it would be, as I have now entered into the realm of a new relationship. God has provided... and He's given me a new heart, as it seems... Or rather, maybe he has simply taken the shattered pieces of my heart and reformed them into a new vessel. Whatever the case, everything is new. Yet, Leslie is the very foundation on which it is all being built-- I mean... all I am is the man she made me. It's so weird. So beautiful. So... "God".
And as for Katie... certainly there are hard parts. Hard days with "this". She loved and adored Leslie-- spent so much time in heart-rending prayer for our family and miraculous healing. She looked up to Leslie. And now... THIS... And TJ... Me, with all my "baggage", as they say... Yet, it was Katie herself who offered the touching bit of encouragement, several months ago, as I began to conisder what it was to "move on"... as my heart began to consider "life after Leslie":
I know that whoever God has coming down the road for you Tyson will be an amazing woman of God. I know that she will love you for who you are, including everything about Leslie that is now a part of you. That is the Tyson she will fall in love with. She will know no other. God has extraordinatry things in store for you.
A different spin on the term, "self-fulfilling prophecy", eh?
So there's some "background". Some of the "story". I could go on and on about how God is making Himself known in this... And I probably will, in future posts. There's so much to share... an amazing testimony of God's provision, providence, grace, and the joy He takes in redeeming His children. Anyway... another time. Another post.
Know that we're not deceiving ourselves. Know we're not "forcing" anything. On the contrary, we would be deceiving ourselves to deny what's been given to us. Certainly, we've got some time, now. We have a lot to discover-- God has a lot to bring us through... many things to work out... before... I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin'...
But in the meantime, we're just enjoying being here. Enjoying being happy. Enjoying this crazy story God seems to be writing, right before our very eyes. I'll keep you posted from time to time with updates and insights... like maybe when He finishes the next sentence...
(By the way, if you care to get to know Katie a little... click the picture below to visit her blog...)

I don't even know you but I've followed your story since Leslie was sick and commented on occasion. I just read this post and am in awe and God's plans being bigger and better and beyond what we can comprehend.
I'll be praying for this relationship and that you continue to let God lead both of you and that you remain at peace with the timing and the situation.
I'm happy and excited for you guys...like you said, it feels like you can really get to know someone through their blog and I feel that way since I've been reading for awhile. You and TJ deserve a women just like Kate described...ironically it may just be her!
Beauty from ashes is breathtaking!
Love this post. One thing you can absolutely be sure of--Leslie is not experiencing one ounce of jealousy. She has beautifully completed her earthly journey and left an incredible legacy of love, joy, courage, and truth. She is entirely complete, more satisfied in the presence of Jesus than she ever dreamed possible.
Katie is a beautiful woman and really seems handpicked by our gracious Father to love well. Thanks for sharing this amazing journey so openly.
Ummm...now THAT is a cool story Tyson! God does surprise us. My husband went through a major loss in his family long before I ever met him. Little did I know what loss was coming down the road for me years later. But God knew and He knew I needed someone who "had been there" so to speak. Thank you for sharing this beautiful story of grace orchestrated obviously by a good God.
Wow, Ty. What a beautiful story...Leslie is smiling. God is so faithful. So good. I will have to go snoop around on Katie's blog. I would love to find her posts on grieving her sister, Sarah. I think it would be good for my soul to read as I daily miss my sister, Sara. Heaven is a sweet place, huh.
Sweet! This makes me smile! Praise God!!!! :)
Dear Tyson, KT and TJ,
What a beautiful story. I still have '08 to read on Katie's blog. You already share much! Can see many ways that God has worked, prepared your lives & hearts for perhaps such a time as this. Some of the timing is so awesome, so God! And the special love she has for TJ (and he for her) is so precious. With continued prayer,
Tyson - I have read your blog from the very beginning. I have never commented but feel the need to on this. My mom went through the same loss as you in 1997. She cared for her sick husband for 3 years. Not even 6 months after he passed she was in a new and committed realationship. At first it was hard for us to accept, but her explaining to us adult children that she grieved with him while he was dying made us realize that she was ready to move on. As you say, there is no time table for grief. You have to go where God leads.
I continue to pray for Leslie, you, TJ and now for Katie.
Praise God!
I have never commented but now just want to offer you our love and support for you, Katie and TJ...You are an inspiration and have been from the beginning. I've held you and TJ up in prayer since the beginning of Leslie's journey and I won't quit now:) May our Lord continue to work in your hearts! Prayers now for Katie too:)
Jan in Bluffton
Wow, Tyson... I used to follow the forleslie blog and prayed for you all for many months. I am on an old computer that had subscribed to the feed. Over these past few months... I wondered how you were doing. It's great to hear what God is doing in your life!
I have never commented on your blog before but have been checking in for a long time. This post really touched me....I don't think that I have ever read of a sweeter story than this. Wishing you both God's direction, wisdom, and blessings on your future!! You both deserve it!
I also have never commented but have read your blog even when Leslie was ill. My bible study in Leo, IN prayed for your family many times. My God bless you in this new journey. You have taught me never to take my husband for granted. We just celebrated 5 years and Satan tries awful hard to tear marriage apart. Thanks for the encouragement.
I wish you, Kate and TJ all the best.
In Christ's Love,
Holly Kline
so....there's this girl....and there's this boy...and there's this wonderful little boy... and may they all live happily, blessedly ever after :) wishing you all the best. you truly deserve it - don't question that for one minute.
simply beautiful!
It's like we are all coming out of the woodwork now, those of us who have never commented before. I feel like a blog snoop every time I visit your blog, but it is always so encouraging and you are a terrific writer. I heard of your story during Leslie's illness in an announcement in church (Bluffton AC) asking for prayers. Your story was so touching, realizing that even though we are young, our lives could change in an instant. I can't imagine everything you and your loved ones have had to go through. I am so excited that there seems to be some happiness coming into your lives. God bless you as you embark on this new journey. Glory to God!
It's been awhile since I commented, but I have been reading and praying. I just wanted to say just how happy I am to see that God has blessed you with Katie! I will be praying for both of you...for peace and understanding in this new journey together. I married a young widower with two very young boys. It's overwhelming, exciting, exhilarating, confusing and scary...but so, so, so amazing to see how God's perfect love works to heal us and walk with us into the next chapter.
Tyson - i am semi-incoherent at the moment from 3 nites spent sleeping on the "bed/chair" combo in most hospital rooms (i'm sure you know the one!), but i just had to comment and say - GOOD FOR YOU! I am so continually blessed by reading your story and seeing it lived out in such REAL FAITH sunday after sunday. You have nothing to explain to any of us - and i have nothing but excitement for both of you! Thank you for continuing to share your journey with all of us and i pray God continues to bless you, and TJ, richly.
Hi, Ty, I've been in Mexico for three weeks on a "mission" of sorts (personal refreshment, fun, family time!) and I just celebrated my 60th birthday---ooh, ah! With our sweet Leslie leaving this earth after 32 short years---birthdays are celebrations no matter how old or young! Thanks for sharing your beautiful story again and again. We will always grieve the loss of Leslie but we celebrate God's goodness with you! God's ways are not our ways and His time is not ours either. 'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus! We love and miss you and TJ. We will always be family no matter how much yours expands. Auntie Gayle
wow. i think you & katie should do a match-making commercial for google analytics (similar in style to e-harmony). :) that is a GREAT GREAT AMAZING STORY!
okay, i'll be serious. it is wonderful. you didn't need to give an explanation - but what a BEAUTIFUL ONE. praying for you all of you!
- Rachel
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